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  Saving Calculator of SLudge Dryer 20181101RevA
  Sludge Data:  
  Sludge Type:     Dewatering:     Wet Sludge Weight(T): kg/day
  Initial m.c.: %   Final sludge m.c.: %   Disposal cost: $/ton
  Batch/Continious:     Monthly working days: days   Daily working hours: hrs
  Energy Efficiency:     Electr. Consumption: kWh/L.H2O   Electr. Tariff: $/kWh
  Total Water: kg/day   Residual Sludge Weight: kg/day   Electr. Consumption: kWh/day
  Dry Sludge Weight: kg/day   Water Removal Weight: kg/day   Water Removal Capacity: kg/24h
  Cost Saving    
  Cost Drying Before Drying After Savings              
  Daily Disposal Cost: $/day
  Daily Electr. Tariff(B): $/day
  Labor Cost(D): $/mth
  Daily Cost in total $/day
  Monthly Cost in total: $/mth
  Yearly Cost in total: $/year


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